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Tracking Your Blog Performance

Good morning and happy Sunday.My Top Commentators Competition is just 2 weeks to end.Suddenly commentator Faizal joint this competition and now become competitor to Pangeran which quite long leading this Top Commentators Competition.If you are new here you are invited to joint this competition.

How are your blogging activity?Hopefully your are not having any problem from it.If there are any problem it is a normal thing.What is important here is we take it as challenge to success in our blogging activity.Think it like that will help in increasing our motivation and spirit to achieve our blogging target.

Do you track your blog performance?If yes congratulate to you because off course you know where are your blog position now.If not you must start as soon as possible tracking your blog performance.As make money online blogger it is important to us to track our blogging performance if we want to success in your blogging activity.

Blogging activity is like as business.In order to take further action we need to know what are our current performance from time to time.Current performance will show what are our current position in blogging activity.That why we need it.Once we know what are our current performance we can determine what steps to be taken for further action.

For instance based on current performance we know that our affiliate sales through our blog is not to as our target.Therefore what we should do is identifying what cause that problem.One thing that can contribute to this problem is maybe because lack of blog promotion.

Once we sure the reason necessary action must be taken as soon as possible.It is to make sure that we are not repeat the same reason in the future.Based on our experience one of way to increase our sales back is maybe we can use google adwords.Beside cheap it is also effective in increasing our sales.

Beside that the purpose of tracking our performance is for comparison purpose.There are 2 types of comparison can we make.First is comparison between current and past performance and second is comparison between our blog and other blog.Both of them is important and both of them must be done.

First comparison that can we made is comparison between current performance and past performance.To make this comparison we must know what is our current blog performance.Once we know it therefore we can start doing comparison.By making comparison like this we will know whether our current performance is better than before or not.

Second comparison can be made between our blog and other blog.For instance we can make comparison between our number of comments with their number of comments.We use number of comments is because by looking at it we will know that whether our blog are liked more or not than other blog.If our number of comment is less than them something must be done with our article or others.

Normally when many people leave comment on our blog it is because they like our article.However if our number of comment is less that other blog something must goes wrong with our article.Therefore we must do something for example we can increase the quality of our article and presentation on our blog.

As a blogger it is important to us to track our blog performance.Tracking our blog performance include tracking our blog traffic performance.It is important to know our current blog traffic performance and once we know our current traffic performance we can take necessary action to increase it.

If we do not know what are our current traffic performance therefore it is impossible to take necessary action.Traffic is the key in determine whether our blog will success or not.This mean we should more concern about our traffic performance by tracking it performance from time to time.

As a conclusion tracking our blog performance is important as a basis before taking any action to improve our blog performance.Therefore we are encouraged to track our blog performance more frequently so that we will always know whether we are on the right track to success in our blogging activity.


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