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This blog is about make make online with blog including make money online program list , blogging , information, News , Review , Tips , Tutorial , Guidance And Motivation

Dear Visitors

This blog is little bit different from my blog in wordpress.This blog presentation will be more have personal touch.

Tracking Your Blog Performance

Good morning and happy Sunday.My Top Commentators Competition is just 2 weeks to end.Suddenly commentator Faizal joint this competition and now become competitor to Pangeran which quite long leading this Top Commentators Competition.If you are new here you are invited to joint this competition.

How are your blogging activity?Hopefully your are not having any problem from it.If there are any problem it is a normal thing.What is important here is we take it as challenge to success in our blogging activity.Think it like that will help in increasing our motivation and spirit to achieve our blogging target.

Do you track your blog performance?If yes congratulate to you because off course you know where are your blog position now.If not you must start as soon as possible tracking your blog performance.As make money online blogger it is important to us to track our blogging performance if we want to success in your blogging activity.

Blogging activity is like as business.In order to take further action we need to know what are our current performance from time to time.Current performance will show what are our current position in blogging activity.That why we need it.Once we know what are our current performance we can determine what steps to be taken for further action.

For instance based on current performance we know that our affiliate sales through our blog is not to as our target.Therefore what we should do is identifying what cause that problem.One thing that can contribute to this problem is maybe because lack of blog promotion.

Once we sure the reason necessary action must be taken as soon as possible.It is to make sure that we are not repeat the same reason in the future.Based on our experience one of way to increase our sales back is maybe we can use google adwords.Beside cheap it is also effective in increasing our sales.

Beside that the purpose of tracking our performance is for comparison purpose.There are 2 types of comparison can we make.First is comparison between current and past performance and second is comparison between our blog and other blog.Both of them is important and both of them must be done.

First comparison that can we made is comparison between current performance and past performance.To make this comparison we must know what is our current blog performance.Once we know it therefore we can start doing comparison.By making comparison like this we will know whether our current performance is better than before or not.

Second comparison can be made between our blog and other blog.For instance we can make comparison between our number of comments with their number of comments.We use number of comments is because by looking at it we will know that whether our blog are liked more or not than other blog.If our number of comment is less than them something must be done with our article or others.

Normally when many people leave comment on our blog it is because they like our article.However if our number of comment is less that other blog something must goes wrong with our article.Therefore we must do something for example we can increase the quality of our article and presentation on our blog.

As a blogger it is important to us to track our blog performance.Tracking our blog performance include tracking our blog traffic performance.It is important to know our current blog traffic performance and once we know our current traffic performance we can take necessary action to increase it.

If we do not know what are our current traffic performance therefore it is impossible to take necessary action.Traffic is the key in determine whether our blog will success or not.This mean we should more concern about our traffic performance by tracking it performance from time to time.

As a conclusion tracking our blog performance is important as a basis before taking any action to improve our blog performance.Therefore we are encouraged to track our blog performance more frequently so that we will always know whether we are on the right track to success in our blogging activity.

Google Adsense:Popular But Not Easy

As we know Google Adsense is the most popular make money online program on internet.Google Adsense is a pay per click program.Pay per click program mean we will be paid by google when someone click on google adsense ads that we put on our blog or website.It seem very easy right?

Google will pay us using cheque when our minimum account level have reached USD100.The cheque will be posted to our home address.Just wait at home.Google receive worldwide participation from any country provided that you already have a blog or website.The more blog or website you have the more chances to you to make money with google adsense.

Let’s say we have about 10 blog and everyday each blog will get USD1.Therefore if we have 10 blog this mean we will get USD10 perday.Therefore the total amount for a month we will get USD10 x 30 days = USD300.Imagine if we have more than 10 blog off course our google adsense will be more than that.

Nowadays many people all around the world know what is google adsense all about.We no need to explain to them since it is the most popular internet program on the world.In order to make money with google adsense we need to register first on the program.The registration is free.Don’t worry.

After we have complete our registration process google will evaluate or check our blog first for approval process.During google evaluate my website 2 years ago it only take about 2 days by them to approve my website.Nowadays maybe the approval time still same like before.However our blog features must fulfill their requirement to get fast approval from them.

For your information google only allow us to register one account per person.In google adsense one account is enough to make money with google adsense because the google adsense code can be place on more than one blog.This mean there is no benefit we register more than one account with google adsense.

After completing google adsense registration process and our blog have been approved by google we need to place the google adsense code given on our blog.We can place it at anywhere on our blog which we think easy to click by our blog visitors.After placing the code the google adsense ads will be appear within 10 minutes.Just wait and see.

However it is not as easy as we think to make money with google adsense.There are many challenge we have to face before we can success with google adsense.This is not to afraid but as reminder not to make easy to make money with google adsense.That is the reality that we should know about google adsense.

In make money online with google adsense one of the way is to make more than one website or blog.It depend how many blog you want to built.There no limitation by google.You can built as many blog as you want with any topic you like as long as it is not porn and related to them blog.For more information about google TOS you can find it in google adsense help center website.

However you also need to think about maintaining and updating all of our blog everyday.Are we able to update all our blog everyday?If you a full time blogger it is not impossible to maintain and update your blog everyday.But if you part time blogger it is almost impossible to update all of your website or blog everyday.

Therefore you have to evaluate first your ability to make money with google adsense before jump into google adsense world.There are no short cut in make money with google adsense.It is a long process.Built many blog is not a ticket to make money with google adsense faster and easier.

There are 2 types of maintenance and update that you must consider in maintaining google adsense website.The type of maintainance or update that you must think is blog maintaining and article maintaing.Both of maintaining is important in google adsense.Therefore you must take serious about both of it.

Maintaning blog include things such as correcting technical problem like plug in problem,installing new plug in,blog configure setting,SEO setting and many other things.Article maintaing or updating include posting new article everyday(if can),do keyword optimization on article and others.

Read the rest of article

Find Me At

Hi my visitors and friends.Yesterday I have wrote about what is Squidoo all about.Today I want to continue writing about again.This mean there were 2 days including today I wrote about you are not bored because I want to share something about is a place where we can built our own site.However for your information even we are allowed to built site there but we are needed to use domain as our domain name.For instance if your name is Micheal there your Squidoo domain name maybe

For your information I just built my Squidoo website.It is just need few hours including registration time to built this site.Actually before this I don’t know we can built site at Squidoo.I have found Squidoo website before this but I only visit it for finding information purpose.

The purpose of building this Squidoo site is to generate traffic to this blog ( is because there many people visit this site.Some of them come to find information and some of them come to built website to generate traffic.

For your information also,one of the hottest sites to come out of the Web 2.0 phenomenon is Squidoo. If you are not building sites to Squidoo,mean that you are missing one of the quickest and easiest ways to build free traffic for your website or blog.So, it is encouraged to you to built site at Squidoo in order to get traffic to be sent at your blog.

Beside that the reason many people built site at Squidoo is for making money purpose.For making money purpose I am still exploring this Squidoo site on how exaclty it can help in making money online.After I got the answer on how to make money from it,I will write it here to share with you.

Based on my experience during exploring and reading material about,we can make money by selling product from,Ebay Auction for example and others.There are many other ways to generate money from this Squidoo and I believe Squidoo is another alternative to make money online.

Squidoo offers you a chance to money from affiliate advertising such as Google AdSense, Amazon, Ebay and several other sites. They keep track of the earnings of each module and split the profits with you 50-50. You can also donate your profits of your module to charity if you wish.

Squidoo offers you a chance to money from affiliate advertising such as Google AdSense, Amazon, Ebay and several other sites. They keep track of the earnings of each module and split the profits with you 50-50. You can also donate your profits of your module to charity if you wish.

To find my Squidoo site you can visit it at site is still new so not many article I have post on it.However there are some video about make money online,my favourite football video and my favourite tv program video.As a make money online blogger I advice you to built site at Squidoo in order to generate traffic from it. Top Commentators Competition

Are you ready to joint my Top Commentators Competition in August.If yes make August as your lucky month by winning this competition.

Yes I want to joint.What should I do?

It’s easy.Leave your comment on any article on my blog either old article or latest article.Leave as many as you want.

Who will win?

The top commentators with the higher number of comments will win this competition.

What is the rules and regulation?

Anyone all around the world can participate in this competition.This competition only held on my English blog only.Comment must be in English.Spam comment will not allowed in this competition.If I find you leave spam comment you will not allowed to joint this competition.

Please don’t just give short comment such as yes i agree,no i don’t agree and other which related like that.If you give short comment like that I would not counting it as a comment.I will delete it.

Time Of Competition?

Competition will held in one month.Competition will start on 1 August 12.00 am (International Time) and 8.00 am (Malaysia Time).It will be ended on 1 September 12 am(International Time) and 8.00 am (Malaysia Time) .

How do I know who is current top commentators?

I have install Top Commentators plug in on my blog.You can see it at my sidebar.

What about comment before competition?

Comments that I received before competition will not be counted as August competition comment.I will unpublished it for a while.Only August competition comment will be shown at my sidebar.

What is the reward?

Payment will made through paypal.You must ensure you have paypal account.For Malaysian who don’t have paypal account I will pay you through bank account.Below is the list of reward.It is in dollar.

Top Commentators $30

Second Top Commentators $10

Third Top Commentators $10

When the result will be announced?

I will announce the result in 2 September 2008 in my blog.

I have question.What should I do?

You can sent your question through Contact Me form.

For more information about this competition please visit

Submit Your Url To

Dear friends,I am sure you already know what digg all about.If you have something interesting such as article and video or image and you want to share it with other people,you can submit it to you have to sign into your Digg account first in order to submit stories to Digg.If you don’t have Digg account you need to register first.

For every Url article that submit they will allow you to choose a thumbnail for any image provided it is at least 80 pixels high or wide and in the .gif, .jpg, or .pct format. If you are a Digg user and think thumbnails should be available from a particular site but it is not available, you can let them know by sending them a bug report.

Once you submit Url,your new submissions live in the Upcoming section for between 12-24 hours, depending on the popularity of the topic they fall under. After 12-24 hours, if the story has not been promoted to the homepage (become Popular), it falls out of the queue.

For your information submissions can also be removed by users with the “Bury Story” feature within Digg. Once a story receives enough “buries,” it is automatically removed from the Digg Upcoming or Popular sections.

The number of reports required to bury is based on a sliding scale that takes several factors into consideration (such as number of Diggs, reports, time of day, topic submitted to, Digging/burying diversity, etc.). Buried stories can still be found in the profiles of users who have Dugg or submitted the story. You can also find them by doing a search and checking “include buried stories.”

If you want to submit certain Url for long term you must avoid the URL within Digg is consistently flagged as spam by the Digg community.If it is consider as Spam that URL may be blocked from future submissions.For your information the community often buries blogs that are simply set up to repurpose content and collect advertising dollars. This includes embedded videos hosted elsewhere that don’t provide a related story.

Digg is currently only an English-language content site.For this time do not submit non-English content.They are in plans to expand into other languages so if you would like to see Digg in your language,you can email those requests to is one of the way.

You cannot submit anything about porn.Any porn submissions will result in an immediate ban and/or account deletion. Moreover, while nudity isn’t necessarily porn, it still violates their Term Of Use. A good rule of thumb: if there’s nudity, it’s probably not a good idea to submit it. More often than not, it will result in an account ban.

If have submitted a story and suddently want to delete it you can contact to remove the story. Be sure to include the Digg URL of the story you want to remove. You must be the original submitter of the story to request a story’s removal and you must email them from the email address associated with your Digg account.

In the case that you want to edit your submitted story you can contact to edit the story. Be sure to include the Digg URL of the story you want to edit as well as the updated title, category, or description. You must be the original submitter of the story to request an edit to a story and you must email them from the email address associated with your Digg account.